2018 VASITE Annual Meeting
2018 VASITE Annual Meeting Agenda: June 27–29, 2018
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2018 VASITE Annual Meeting Agenda: June 27–29, 2018
The 2023 VASITE Traffic Bowl was held on Feburary 13, 2023 at the VDOT Staunton headquarters. Teams from the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech battled to see who would represent Virginia in the Southern District Traffic Bowl in Savannah, GA. Both teams had a very solid performance, and Virginia Tech won in a come-from-behind victory.
On Tuesday March 14, 2023, 150 transportation members and colleagues gathered at the Northern Virginia District Office for a joint ITE technical meeting. This event was planned and coordinated with the Virginia Section of ITE (VASITE) and the Washington DC Section of ITE (WDCSITE).The meeting provided the industry with insights into the ongoing work and...
VASITE would like to thank GASITE, the host of the 2023 Southern District ITE Annual Meeting in Savannah, GA this week. Over 25 VASITE members were in attendance. The meeting was a wonderful time of networking, technical sessions, and a great night of karaoke. Thank you to everyone who showed up and we hope to...
Join us for VASITE's first virtual lunch and learn, presented by Scott Carlson of Iteris
We are excited to welcome everyone for our Annual VASITE Meeting and Technical Conference to be held June 14-16th, 2023 at the Marriott Virginia Beach Oceanfront in Virginia Beach!