Assistant Transportation Director

Tri-Cities Area MPO/Crater PDC

Posting expires: September 30, 2024

Assistant Transportation Director – Petersburg, Virginia

Pay Range $80,000 – $90,000

The Crater Planning District Commission (CPDC) is a regional planning agency composed of representatives from the Counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Greensville, Prince George, Surry, and Sussex and the Cities of Colonial Heights, Emporia, Petersburg, and Hopewell. The CPDC promotes regional cooperation, coordinates activities and policies of member localities, provides planning assistance to localities, and resolves service delivery problems involving one or more member locality. The agency is heavily involved in housing, economic development, transportation, and environmental planning, and often takes an interdisciplinary approach to addressing the region’s needs.

The CPDC also serves as host agency for the Tri-Cities Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (TCAMPO), which serves the Cities of Colonial Heights, Petersburg, and Hopewell, and surrounding portions of Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, and Prince George counties.

Administrative Duties:

Serve as TCAMPO staff as secretary of the monthly Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) and MPO Policy Committee meetings
Serve as Crater PDC staff for the PDC’s Rural Transportation Planning Program
Develop annual TCAMPO Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), listing the tasks and budgets for each Task
Develop annual Crater PDC’s Rural Transportation Panning Work Program, listing the tasks and budgets for each Task
Process quarterly invoices for PL, Section 5303, STBG, and SPR funds
Produce quarterly progress reports by Task
Prepare and serve as MPO staff for the quadrennial TMA federal certification process
Manage stakeholder/public involvement and Title VI processes/programs
Assist in air quality conformance process with VDOT
Update bylaws as needed
Update MPO boundaries according to decennial Census urban area boundaries
Assist in decennial Federal Functional Classification updates
Keep Transportation portion of Crater PDC webpage updated and interactive
Programming Responsibilities:

Develop and maintain the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP), including the annual federal Annual Obligation Report.
Assist in development of the Six-Year Improvement Program (SYIP), including managing the TCAMPO’s allocated Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ), Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) and Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)
Process MTIP amendments and STBG/CMAQ/CRP/TAP fund transfers
Apply for SMART SCALE and other state and federal competitive project grants, assist localities and agencies in their competitive project grant applications.
Attend locality and agency project development committees
Short-and Long-Range Planning:

Develop the Metropolitan Transportation Plan as per federal and state polices and regulations (20-year horizon)
Conduct other plans, such as:
Regional Safety Plan
Assist locality staff with comprehensive planning processes as requested
Financial Plan
Highway Plans (ex: I-95, Interchange Studies)
Transit Plans (TDP/TSP)
Attend as MPO/CPDC representative to locality and agency plan/study committees
Transportation System Surveillance and Performance:

Congestion Management Process
Safety Performance
Highway Asset Management (Bridges/pavement)
Transit Asset Management (TAM)
Public Transit Agency Safety Plan
Congestion Highway System Performance
Travel Demand Modeling
Special Projects:

Acts as project manager/point of contact for special projects, plans, and studies on an as-needed basis, such as:
Regional Multimodal Mobility Plan (in progress)
STARS/Pipeline Studies
Development a Plan of Work to put in place a Regional Transportation Authority. Begin implementation of Plan in 90 days after hire.

Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline required, Engineering degree preferred, Master’s degree preferred
At least 3-5 years of progressively responsible professional experience in transportation planning, transportation management, or road construction management.
At minimum of 2 years of management/supervisory experience
AICP/TE certification eligible
LAP certification preferred (or within six months after hire)
GIS proficiency/certification
Experience in Grant Management and Application
Familiarity with State Transportation Department policies and procedures
Please send an email with cover letter and resume to

Crater PDC is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to diversity and inclusion. Applicants of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities are encouraged to apply.

Anticipated Start: September 1, 2024-December 1, 2024