VASITE (commonly pronounced vay-site) is the Virginia Section of ITE, a professional organization for engineers, planners, and other transportation professionals working in Virginia.

VASITE is a professional society of persons involved in transportation engineering and related activities. Membership is comprised of engineers, planners, educators, administrators, and technicians. VASITE is affiliated with the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), an international professional society of transportation engineers.

Virginia is a part of the Southern District of ITE (SDITE), which is composed of eight sections: Alabama, Deep South (Mississippi and Louisiana), Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Virginia.

VASITE History

VASITE was founded on June 25,1958 and became a chartered member of ITE in November, 1975.

VASITE Organization

VASITE is governed by an Executive Board consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, two Directors, and the immediate past President. VASITE elects two representatives to serve on the SDITE Board of Directors.

The current board members are listed on the VASITE Board page.

To advance the development of the transportation engineering profession, the Section encourages active participation by all of its members in its formal committees that include continuing education, legislation, technical activities, career guidance, the newsletter, public relations, and relations with participating organizations.

Goals and Objectives

VASITE was established to promote sound transportation engineering practices in the planning, design, operation, and management of transportation facilities and equipment for the safe, convenient and efficient movement of people and goods. To achieve this goal, VASITE:

  • Encourages qualified persons to enter the transportation engineering profession;
  • Encourage professional training and development of persons engaged in transportation engineering;
  • Develop increased coordination and cooperation with local governing bodies, private organizations, professional engineering groups, and ITE;
  • Increase public awareness and involvement in transportation engineering activities;
  • Stimulate transportation related research activities;
  • Promote communication between persons with mutual interests in transportation engineering;
  • Establish an exchange of professional information and maintain a centralized point of reference and action for transportation engineering professionals; and
  • Represent the interest of members in the transportation profession when transportation related legislation and policy members are presented.

Since its inception, the following transportation professionals have served our chapter as President.

1958 Kenneth M. Wilkinson
1959 Clifton Stoneburner
1960 J. Duval Lee
1961 J. P. Mills, Jr.
1962 William H. Gordon, Jr.
1963 Kenneth W. Smith
1964 J. C. Bullock, Jr.
1965 J. W. Bonniville
1966 S. S. Gillespie
1967 Henry S. Hulme, Jr.
1968 J. Paul Royer, Jr.
1969 C. Richard Keller
1970 Robert J. Humphrey
1971 William C. Nelson, Jr.
1972 Robert G. Corder
1973 M. Scott Hollis
1974 Charles H. Barnes, Jr.
1975 L. H. Dawson, Jr.
1976 Lowell H. Terry
1977 Lowell H. Terry
1978 L. C. Buddy Taylor, II
1979 Thomas F. Stewart
1980 R. Neal Robertson
1981 Thomas E. Flynn
1982 Harry E. Patterson

1983 J. Lynwood Butner
1984 N. Ken Hook, Jr.
1985 David E. Berg
1986 David R. Gehr
1987 Lorraine Boteilho
1988 John W. Herzke
1989 Eugene D. Arnold, Jr.
1990 Bryant B. Goodloe
1991 Cary Vick
1992 Lynn E. Allsbrook
1993 John R. Nesselrodt
1994 Owen P. Curtis
1995 David E. Hill
1996 Joseph T. Wallace
1997 Thomas M. Slaughter
1998 Thomas M. Slaughter
1999 John Kaoudis
2000 Valerie J. Henchel
2001 Warren E. Hughes
2002 Michael Martin
2003 Robert Gey
2004 Timothy E. White
2005 Bill Cashman
2006 Bill Cashman
2007 Chris Gay

2008 Kirsten Black Tynch
2009 Tim A. Foster
2010 John O. Yorks
2011 Robin Grier
2012 Stephen C. Brich
2013 Michelle Smith Cavucci
2014 William L. Wuensch
2015 Robert E. Lewis
2016 Gerry Harter
2017 Chris Daily
2018 John D. Hendrickson
2019 Ashley Lickliter
2020 Wes Parker
2021 Wes Parker
2022 Christine Potocki
2023 Kathryn Brown
2024 William Wentzien